Web-Development Services
Service Name Service Cost-Type Service Rate of Cost

Average Hours to Complete

(based on simplicity)

Wireframe - Drawing Hourly $25 2 hrs
Website Prototype Hourly $25 6 hrs
Custom Design Level Flat $0.15/ per <div>

Avg amount of div tags with simple design, 1,250 div tags per page

Avg amount of div tags for high end, 10,000 div tags per page

Page Volume Flat $200 first 10 pages ($100 per page additional) 1 page = 36 - 84 hrs (depending on level of customization)
Custom Programming Hourly $15 72 - 360 hrs (depending on level of customization and page count)

Website Content Development

(i.e. copywriting)

Flat $50 per Service

Services Available:

Domain Name Registration

Website Hosting

SSL Certificate

Stock Photos

Premium Services Flat $65 per day Premium Services Available:

QA Testing 5 days in live environment

Custom Photography (5 - 24 days)

Custom Plugins(4 - 24 days)

CMS(1 - 3 days)